The greatest impediment to the use of forensic whole genome sequencing is lack of funds. Budgets are stretched and government grants are competitive and limited. IMF wants to help.
Case Funding for DNA-Related Services
IMF will consider applications to fund DNA testing/sequencing (including extraction and bioinformatics) in the following circumstances:
Applications must be made by law enforcement agencies, genealogists with demonstrated Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG) experience, innocence-based nonprofit organizations, and historical researchers with satisfactory credentials.
The laboratory proposed for use must have ISO 17025 accreditation, utilize whole genome sequencing, and agree to share its FASTQ (raw file) or equivalent WGS raw sequencing data file with other accredited laboratories upon request of the applicant. If an alternative file is provided, it will be subject to IMF approval.
The applicant must prohibit uploading of the profile to any private database to which access is not available to unaffiliated genealogists.
The applicant must agree not to upload, or permit uploading, to, 23andMe, or any other database for which such upload would violate Terms of Service.
Subject to individual exceptions, Unidentified Human Remains must have been located no earlier than 1954. There is no requirement that foul play be suspected for UHR.
If possible, any case should have, at minimum, have an attempt to enter into the relevant DNA database (NDIS/CODIS etc.) as per the SWGDAM guidelines for FIGG.
Decisions regarding eligibility and allocation of available funds are wholly within the discretion of IMF. However, up to 50 percent of available funding will be reserved for applications that meet one or more of the following additional criteria:
​The applicant agrees to upload the profile(s) generated to the law enforcement-exclusive database DNA Justice.
The applicant elects to use DNA Labs International for the testing/sequencing.
The applicant chooses to have IMF perform or coordinate the genetic genealogy.
Confidentiality shall be maintained for applications.
Except by prior arrangement, IMF will make payment directly to the laboratory that performs the testing.
Payment shall be conditioned upon certification by the laboratory that it: 1) did not upload or permit uploading to, 23andMe, or any other database for which such upload would violate Terms of Service; and 2) did not upload to any private database to which access is not available to unaffiliated genealogists.