Intermountain Forensics (IMF) is honored to join our partners, the Allen County Coroner's office (https://www.allencounty.in.gov/170/Coroners-Office), the Fort Wayne Police Department (https://www.fwpd.org/) and IGGniteDNA (https://iggnitedna.com/) to announce that the body of a pregnant woman found by a construction worker in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1992 has been confirmed to be that of Tabetha Ann Murlin.
More information regarding the details of this case can be found in the following press releases/news articles:
Intermountain Forensics extends our warmest and heartfelt condolences to the Tabetha's family, friends and loved ones. In this tragic moment, we share the hopeful words of Fort Wayne Police Detective Brian Martin shared within the 21AliveNews article: “The work that was done in this case and the tenacity that was shown by the coroner’s office, the state police laboratory and everybody involved is amazing. It obviously gives us hope in all the other missing person cases, unidentified cases and cold case homicides.”
The details of this tragic disappearance and death are still uncertain at this time. If you have any information regarding Tabetha’s disappearance or death, please call the Fort Wayne Police Department Detective Bureau at 260-427-1201 or Crime Stoppers at 260-436-7867.