Intermountain Forensics (IMF) is honored to join with our partners, Ramapo College of New Jersey Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) Center, the Oneida County Medical Examiner’s Office and the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office's to report that human remains recovered from Rhinelander Wisconsin on March 19, 1980 have been successfully identified as Norman "Norm" Grasser of Chicago, Illinois.
The full details of this investigation and identification can be found here: https://www.ramapo.edu/news/slide/ramapo-college-igg-students-help-identify-john-doe-in-43-year-cold-case/?fbclid=IwAR0FlTLD2sZ4mRyOeUvpW_D6tsQoS67-Px6jMfuhjbthTuDJuUfRI2pXpZk
IMF expresses sincere gratitude to all dedicated partners who tirelessly collaborated with our team to bring this investigation to a successful conclusion. After 43 years, we feel privileged to have played a role in restoring Norman's identity to him, his family, and loved ones. We recognize the unimaginable pain and frustration experienced by those awaiting answers to heartbreaking questions, and it is our earnest hope that this resolution brings some measure of peace to those who have endured an agonizing wait. Our heartfelt condolences and warm wishes extend to the family and loved ones of Norman, coupled with our steadfast commitment to persist in our mission of identifying these lost souls.